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[1] Let me be your wings Имя персонажа
[2] Day of the dead Имя персонажа
[3] i’m not pridumal Имя персонажа
[4] Let me be your wings Имя персонажа
[5] Day of the dead Имя персонажа
[6] i’m not pridumal Имя персонажа
Город раскинулся огромным многоликим спрутом. Царство анархии — на первый, невооруженный взгляд, но если присмотреться и разобраться — станет ясно: организовано всё очень чётко.
проклинающие: alan, elias, erland, marcus.

maybe yes, maybe no

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Вы здесь » maybe yes, maybe no


Where Dwell The Ghouls

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dance of death

[ регистрационный ] from the lancet windows of the church aisle, from the niches of the family crypts, the faceless masks of the noble inhabitants of the dungeons stared out. withered hands swung and shook the iron bars, bolts and hinges that held them flew away with a crash; the cemetery was filled with a crowd of rebellious skeletons. twisting and writhing, they danced in an eerie dance
1 1 шаблон анкеты
2020-11-10 10:42:16 - злокозненный

bloody abode

[ принятые анкеты ] frank took off at a dead run, pulling diane with him. panting and stumbling, the young men ran through the deep snow. two minutes later they were on the highway, and they breathed a sigh of relief. the old, grim ruins were left behind. the mysterious lights went out, and the wild screams ceased
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Kingdom by the Sea

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magic mirror

[ новостной ] there seemed to be no escape for him: several people were going up the stairs, others were coming down. but the unfortunate old man was ready for anything. he clambered over the railing and dropped fifteen feet into the hall, where, unharmed, he got to his feet and ran out into the street, disappearing instantly into the darkness of the night
3 3 повесть лет‡хронология&
2020-11-10 12:41:11 - злокозненный

journey to the underworld

[ организационный ] but after his arrival, george did not utter another word, except for stifled screams; as if he were urging the horses to run faster; so, asleep, he ran at full speed to complete the task given to him; he died without surviving this attack, after a terrible agony, exactly at twelve o'clock
5 5 таможенное бюро‡заполнение списков &
2020-11-10 11:05:26 - злокозненный

The Gray Woods

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nail of fate

[ сюжетные эпизоды ] each person is surrounded by a certain number of threatening dangers. and it is necessary to dissect, to break up the force of the terrible and mysterious storm that is waiting for us, so that it does not fall on us with one blow, but exhausts itself in a series of weak tremors. it is necessary to divert fate as a lightning rod diverts the lightning
2 2 откровенные прелюдии ‡обсуждение сюжета &
2020-11-10 11:07:21 - злокозненный

ghosts of the living

[ личные эпизоды ] the human body is not at all as simple as it looks and feels, at least under the ordinary conditions of our physical existence. materialists do not recognize that the human body consists of several bodies, and to explain the mental and other abilities of the soul, they attribute to matter properties that it does not have, and cannot have
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island of voices

[ альтернатива ] kalamake turned, and if he was running in that direction, he was flying back. but no matter how fast he hurried, the leaves burned faster. the flames were already fading, but the wizard leaped the rest of the way and landed on the mat. he raised the wind, and the fire went out; and then the shore disappeared, and the sun and sea, and keola and kalamake were again in the dark of the shuttered room
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The Most Unholy

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gentle dogs of hell

[ флуд и игры ] the cowering vampire didn't resist, but let her fasten the metal ring around her rapidly healing neck. the scientific basis for the device's effect on vampire biology was complex, but the result was simple: the vampire couldn't do anything now without a direct order from sarah. to call this device useful would be a gross understatement: even this injured vampire could rip off Sarah's head in half a second
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games of the immortals

[ конкурсы ] I walk along a narrow path over the abyss. only this silver thread keeps me from a thousand feet of impenetrable darkness, but I still feel no fear. i run like a cat across the rooftops of london, i lie flat on the roof of a carriage as the train roars through a dark tunnel. i climb the metal bars of the eiffel tower and dance on the railing of its highest point, playing with the forces of gravity. but it's all so boring
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the lost room

[ личные темы ] the sensual atmosphere of my room was matched by its occupants. women of unusual beauty were dressed in dresses of the most bizarre styles and bright colors. round, supple figure; black, languid eyes; full, fresh, cherry-like lips. the three men were half-masked, and all I could make out were heavy jaws, pointed beards, and strong necks that rose like massive columns from their doublets
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Wilderness of Glass

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a haunted hotel

[ реклама ] but i couldn't even stand — i just fell into a chair. i stared in horror at those calm blue eyes that stared back at me in silent amazement. to say that they hypnotized me is an understatement. it was her soul that looked at me and saw through me without any effort on her part. i give you my impression — with all the horror and madness that was there
2 2 огненные письма‡обмен листовками&
2020-11-10 11:16:10 - злокозненный

memories of the past

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the fact that after

[ общий архив ] she kept her distance, unable to take her eyes off marisa. she had probably never looked so pleased before. she glowed with happiness as she floundered in the blood pool and scooped up the blood, which she drank with a greed that she had never shown at the sight of her grandmother's chicken soup
2 2 архив нужных №1
2020-11-10 11:09:13 - злокозненный

zero year

[ архив эпизодов ] at the height of the French revolution, when the king was killed and his blood was drunk, they re-established everything: a new calendar, new months, new history. they stopped the nation's clock and smashed its mechanism to smithereens; erased everything that was written on the board, and broke the board itself on the knee
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sleeping city

[ архив анкет ] the orange-brown color of the terracotta face turned to gray, then to a warm, vibrant hue. blue shadows formed around the tight mouth. the determined eyes were dark and clear. the sympathetic figure's eyes also twitched and took on a new hue. the lips, which were set in a shy smile, warmed, another sign of renewed life
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